Perinatal Mental Health

 Whether you’re pregnant or have recently had a baby – fear, irritability, and sadness can be overwhelming.


You may feel as though you’ve lost control, as both your body and seemingly your whole life have changed.

Maybe birth didn’t go as planned and it feels devastating. Perhaps you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing or you don’t have a strong connection with your baby.

Thoughts like “This was supposed to be a happy time” or “I shouldn’t be feeling this way” can cause us to feel guilty, ashamed, and alone. I’m here to support you and inform you that you are not alone.


 I’ll hold space for you and offer solutions to help you be more present, regulate your emotions, decrease anxiety, and navigate this time with confidence.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”

— Sharon Salzberg