Intuitive Eating

An evidence-based approach to becoming more attuned with your body and healing your relationship with food.

As we work together, you will learn to listen to your body’s signals and sensations while recognizing and rejecting the rigid ideas and rules of diet culture. This process will allow you to connect to your innate inner wisdom to help you determine what is best for your body.


Health at Every Size

I operate from a health at every size (HAES) framework. This means I do not believe weight is the most important determinant of your health. Rather, our health and well-being is multi-faceted and encompasses a mix of physical, social, spiritual, emotional, and intellectual factors. Concentrating on weight creates a barrier to our intuition and shifts our focus away from our internal cues (hunger, fullness, and how food makes us feel), and what our body truly needs.

At its core, HAES promotes respect of all bodies - in every shape and every size. In my practice, I embrace and respect body diversity and I believe everyone should feel safe, comfortable, and at peace in their body.

A Strategy for Every Body


 You know that ability little kids often have: they are able to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full? This is something I believe everyone can achieve when we clear away the arbitrary rules around dieting, ignore the cacophony of “health” information, and pay attention to your body and its needs.


As both a therapist and a certified intuitive eating counselor, I combine my knowledge of the principles of intuitive eating with years of training and experience working with depression, anxiety, and trauma to help you transform your relationship with food and your body.


“Imperfection is not a personal problem- it’s a natural part of existing.”

— Tara Brach